Comic Sansitizer

Comic Sansitizer Header
The Comic Sansitizer project is about sensitizing (or sansitizing – pun intended) people to the plight and social stigma against the Comic Sans MS typeface. It also proves to be a non-bias, often times sarcastic, informational site and overall, is a web experimentation showcasing Comic Sans in its many different forms and applications.

Comic Sansitizer Showcase

Comic Sansitizer Character Showcase
Overall, I wanted to showcase both the bad (and good?) sides of the font created by Vincent Connare in 1994. I added a voting system, links and resources for Comic Sans related items, alternatives, and showcases of the font in use. There’s been a lot of anti-Comic Sans sites over the years, and the ones that were for it were all satirical (although mine is too in some respects). I wanted to create a neutral ground for the ill-fated typeface.