Judero Review

December 4th, 2024


A “game” that is more than the sum of its parts. “Game” here is used loosely, because it is much more an “experience” and definitely falls into the art side of things. That’s not to say it’s not a game; it’s just that it doesn’t seem concerned about being one at times. There are game mechanics sure, and they are actually surprisingly deep and varied, but all haphazardly stitched together, much like Judero’s graphics are modeled from clay, toys, and other bits much too does the game feel like it’s made up these disparate pieces.

It doesn’t take itself seriously except when it does, and you’ll have to figure out how to navigate the two and which one is which, especially if you are not a Scot and innately grasp all the humour. It straddles the line of sardonicism, banality and hauntingly beautiful at times. This feeling is present in the dialogue, but also the music which is decidedly amateur, but intentionally so and amazing because of it. It is painstakingly hand-crafted, varied, and surprisingly deep, just like the rest of the game.

Through and through you’ll find this similar thread running throughout; the game is the kitchen sink; throwing everything and seeing what sticks, but then leaving in what doesn’t.

Judero is true creativity, uniqueness, and a breath of fresh air.

P.S. If you are like me, you will love picking apart at its seams and breaking things, going where you weren’t meant to go or do, but then thinking maybe you were meant to because it does such a bad job of stopping you from discovering its flaws.

This entry was posted in Reviews, Video Games.

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