Medicine Hat Election Posters
As what started as a joking conversation, turned into a iconic pseudo-campaign for the mayoral and aldermanic candidates for the 2010 elections in Medicine Hat. Each feature a clever or inside reference, mostly poking fun at each of the candidates; however, indirectly promoting local voting in general.

Vote Boucher

Vote Friesen

Vote Cowan
- Vote Clugston
- Vote Craven
- Vote Dumanowski
- Vote Hamill
- Vote Kelly
- Vote Kraus
- Vote Pearson
- Vote Thompson
- Vote Turnbull
- Vote Varga
- Vote Webb
- Vote Ziegler
These were created with Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop with help from Dusty Melling, with the original idea from Sean Potts. Paper textures were provided from Lost & Taken. These posters were promoted via a dedicated website:
Featured on:
Med Hat Blog- Medicine Hat Media